
ACSL、First drone-related company in the world to join the Universal Postal Union

  • The Universal Postal Union is an international organization with 192 member countries, and ACSL is the first drone-related company in the world to join.
  • Aims to contribute to the standardization of systems and guidelines for postal and logistics services around the world, and to solving issues such as last mile delivery.

ACSL Ltd. (Edogawa Ward, Tokyo; Satoshi Washiya, President, hereafter ACSL), a Japanese drone manufacturer, today became the first drone-related company in the world to join the Universal Postal Union Consultative Committee.

(Right) Masahiko Metoki, Director-General, UPU (Left) Satoshi Washiya, Representative Director, President, ACSL

Exterior view of the UPU headquarters in Bern, Switzerland

The Universal Postal Union, with 192 member countries, is a specialized agency of the United Nations whose purpose is to promote communication among peoples through the effective operation of postal services and to contribute to international cooperation in the cultural, social and economic fields.
ACSL has been actively working to solve postal and logistics issues using drones, including the first Level 3 flight (unassisted, out-of-sight flight) in Japan with JAPAN POST Co., Ltd. when the Civil Aeronautics Act was revised in 2018, and the launch of a new logistics-specific drone for Level 4 operation in December 2022.

In recognition of these efforts, ACSL has become the first drone-related company in the world to be admitted to the Universal Postal Union Consultative Committee. ACSL will be able to facilitate discussions to standardize systems and guidelines related to drone postal deliveries across the world, help conduct proof-of-concept trials in emerging nations and collect information on trends in postal and logistics services as well as share information on emerging trends in drone postal deliveries.

ACSL aims to contribute to the Consultative Committee by sharing information and help lead discussions around standardization of drone postal delivery technologies to meet the increasing demand of the global market.

 ※UPU Consultative Committee

■Comment by Masahiko Metoki, Director-General, UPU
We have very high expectations for drones as a means of expanding the possibilities of postal deliveries. ACSL, which is working on the implementation of drone postal delivery in Japan in cooperation with JAPAN POST Co., Ltd., has accumulated a great knowledge through technical trials and we see ACSL as an organization that we can work with to identify challenges and build the right initiatives in drone postal deliveries

■Comments by Satoshi Washiya, Representative Director, President
I would like to thank Mr. Metoki, the Director-General, and all those involved for making ACSL a member of the Universal Postal Union Consultative Committee.
In joining the committee, I had the opportunity to visit the UPU headquarters in Bern, Switzerland. With the recent development and spread of e-commerce, I feel that the last mile delivery issues faced by countries around the world are by no means unique to each country but must be viewed as an international issue to be solved. I also feel that ACSL can surely contribute to solving such issues with drone postal deliveries.
ACSL, as the first drone-related company in the world to join the committee, hopes to establish a cooperative framework and contribute not only to fair and open international postal and logistics services, but also to the development of technology and services in Japan.

Please refer here for more details.