Shift to a sustainable
global manufacturer.
global manufacturer.
Representative Director
ACSL has pursued its core autonomous control technology and other robotics technologies with the mission of "Liberate Humanity Through Technology" and has been constantly developing cutting-edge technologies since its founding in 2013.
Various social infrastructures such as electricity, water supply, and logistics were taken for granted during the spread of the new coronavirus epidemic, but behind these infrastructures was the sweat and enormous amount of labor that many people put in.
We would like to see a smarter world where these essential tasks are conducted more efficiently and effectively.
I want to serve those workers working behind the scenes.
This is the vision of the world that we are striving towards, and we have reflected them into our mission statement “Liberating Humanity Through Technology”.
Various social infrastructures such as electricity, water supply, and logistics were taken for granted during the spread of the new coronavirus epidemic, but behind these infrastructures was the sweat and enormous amount of labor that many people put in.
We would like to see a smarter world where these essential tasks are conducted more efficiently and effectively.
I want to serve those workers working behind the scenes.
This is the vision of the world that we are striving towards, and we have reflected them into our mission statement “Liberating Humanity Through Technology”.
The drone industry is currently during a frenetic "first year of drones," driven by economic security, decarbonization, and the Digital Rural City concept.
On December 5, 2022, a law partially amending the Civil Aeronautics Law and other laws went into effect, starting a system that will allow Level 4 drone flights.
And to lead the drone industry, we developed Japan's first drone capable of Level 4 flight and obtained a Class1 UAS Type Certification.
It is expected that the range of utilization of industrial drones will expand and that drones will be implemented in society as something that is more and more familiar to people in the future.
On December 5, 2022, a law partially amending the Civil Aeronautics Law and other laws went into effect, starting a system that will allow Level 4 drone flights.
And to lead the drone industry, we developed Japan's first drone capable of Level 4 flight and obtained a Class1 UAS Type Certification.
It is expected that the range of utilization of industrial drones will expand and that drones will be implemented in society as something that is more and more familiar to people in the future.
In addition, the overseas drone market, although growing at a faster pace than Japan's, has reached a turning point starting with the recent increase in the importance of economic security, creating an environment in which our drone can form a rare position.
We will not miss this opportunity to aggressively expand into overseas markets.
We will not miss this opportunity to aggressively expand into overseas markets.
ACSL will continue to strive for a sustainable society for the future and to grow into a " sustainable global manufacturer ".
We believe this is the true contribution to our clients and society and meet the expectations of our supporters and stakeholders.
I appreciate your continuous support.
We believe this is the true contribution to our clients and society and meet the expectations of our supporters and stakeholders.
I appreciate your continuous support.